Monday, March 29, 2010


So we continued our studies on juxtaposition.
It's basically where you put two different things side by side and figuring out the connection between them. This could stimulate out brain to think more creatively.

We got our in class exercise which is we have to pick 3 numbers ranging from 00 to 99. But the thing is those numbers represent different words. So I picked number 03, 33 and 99.

So my random words that come out is "Fly & Wind", "Ice & Wind" and "Leave & Rain".
After getting our words, we have to construct a sentence from them.

I constructed these sentences out of the words given,
"That fly is blown by the wind"
"The ice is melted because of the hot wind"
"They insisted to leave even though the rain is heavy"

Then our task is to draw a picture of the sentences.
So this is the drawing that I came up with.

Then we have to put those words together to make a new words. In my case what I have is,
"Flywind","Icewind" and "Leaverain". After having our new words, we have to draw something that would make the viewers said the word just by looking at the drawing.

In this case I have come out with these sets of drawing.

After that we were given a set of pictures of animal. We were told to create an animal by combining 2 animal and our motive is to create something that is so wrong where people would say that it will not survive. Then we have to justify the drawing as to why the animal will not survive. So I come up with the idea to combine a bird and a fish. Here are the pictures of the drawing that I produced.

After producing the image, we were given a task to construct some sentences using a picture as references. So, we were given a picture of a chilly. Then we must incorporate the chilly with the word love. Then we get a picture of a mortar and pestle. We have to use the mortar and pestle to describe a man for a woman, or describe a man by girls. So I come up with these sentences by incorporating those words with the given picture.

My first sentences using the chilly was
"You are as hot as a chilly. Whenever I am near you I get sweaty" and my second sentence is
"Love is like a chilly. You taste it once and you want more. If you had more you will get sore"

Then my sentence using the mortar and pestle was,
"Women are like mortar and pestle, They will turn you into a new man.

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